Everybody knows Tucker Carlson as the bow-tie wearing, conservative TV commentator who was called "a dick" by John Stewart. I'm not a particularly big fan of Carlson's, though I did see a debate segment featuring him and Max Kellerman, and that was quite amusing.
Apparently Greenpeace is irked that Carlson, like many non-leftists,
praised the French for their 1985
sinking of Greenpeace's ship "The Rainbow Warrior". What I didn't realize, until my research this morning, is that the attack, which involved the placing and detonating of two bombs aboard the boat, was found to be the work of the French Secret Service (DGSE). Other bits
here, and
Somehow, I had previously had the idea that the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior was the result of one of the multitude of "rammings", where government or commercial vessels rammed the pesky Greenpeace bastards out of their way, or
the Greenpeace bastards ram another boat to damage it. (Another guy,
Paul Watson, has made his life's goal terrorizing the whaling industry by ramming and sinking whalers, and his donation-begging/propaganda page is
here. Unlike the Greenpeace weinies, I kinda like the guy, even if I'd shoot him, were I a whaler. I may not agree with him, but, like Worf,
I admire gall.)
While I still support the notion of a government swatting down one of the NGOs (non-governmental organizations) for it's misbehavior, finding that the sinking was a covertly executed bombing sours me a bit on the whole thing. I guess it smacks of the "worminess/weasley-ness" that is so often associated with all things French, and the folks who want to call it a terrorist act may have a point.