Saturday, November 05, 2005

Blast From the Past

My good buddy Mike told me that he had recently re-established contact with "Dr. Homecomer". We have to protect her identity, and if you read her blog, you'll understand why. Taylor (I guess the first name is safe) was a real hoot in college. I first met her when I dodged the water she was throwing at me (A group of us were making a drunken attempt at Christmas carolling, which disturbed her sleep or studying--almost as much as my mocking of her when she asked us to quiet down), leaving poor ole Burt to get soaked. I ended up getting to know her a bit, and she was certainly worth knowing. In addition to massive brain power, sharp wit, and a twisted sense of humor, she shared my contempt for the University's "establishment". She was the first openly gay woman to win a spot on the University of Alabama homecoming court (some of her campaign posters even featured her in a Star Fleet uniform). Read her blog, you'll enjoy it.


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