This Is Not the Last of These Scumbags, I Fear
This is Joel Henry Henrichs III, American, convert to Islam, and suicide bomber. Apparently, he blew himself up outside of the Oklahoma University football game on October 1. The major news outlets haven't given the incident much coverage, and there is a lot of conflicting information. Points of contention include whether or not the guy tried to get into the ballgame prior to exploding himself, and whether or not the guy attended the same mosque as September 11, 2001 terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui.
There will be more American-born converts to Islam who will attack America and/or American interests. There will also be plenty who won't. I don't know about you, but I will remain suspicious.
There will be more American-born converts to Islam who will attack America and/or American interests. There will also be plenty who won't. I don't know about you, but I will remain suspicious.
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