Saturday, March 26, 2005

Fuel For a Fire

I'm surprised that the changing over from BC and AD to BCE and CE as an effort to remove the religious aspect of the Gregorian calendar, hasn't become a bigger issue before. I remember having a conversation about this back in 1987 with Harry Wallace, my high school U.S. History teacher. He said he was convinced that this would be as big a "scandal" as the whole "history book banned for secular humanism" debacle. Mr. Wallace was a great teacher, without a doubt the best I had in high school, and I hated to hear that he retired. Of course, as a conscientious teacher and a proud American, he probably had a hard time putting up with the Board of Education that administered the Florence City Schools. He's a yellow-dog democrat, but let's not hold his blind part loyalty against him (no more than if he were a fanatic republican).

And, while we're talking about education, here's an interesting link:

Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of the Textbook

And here's a cool link for more than you ever wanted to know about calendars...


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