Wednesday, May 25, 2005

WWTTBMD? (What Would The Tidy Bowl Man Do?)

In Forest City, North Carolina, a cleric/holy man/pastor/what-have-you, Creighton Lovelace of Danieltown Baptist Church, has prompted something of an uproar by placing "The Koran needs to be flushed" on his church's sign. Story here. Remember, whatever you think of this act, he has the right to do it. I'd be curious to hear what his parishoners have to say, and I can't wait to hear what happens next.

In some stories, Mr. Lovelace is being referred to as "a reverend", which is a bastardization of the English language, unfortunately it is one that has become a part of common American usage. "Reverend" is not a noun. It is an adjective. Here is a note about the proper use of "Reverend".


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