Saturday, December 18, 2004

Hmmmmm.....mebbe she needs a hate crime...

This woman, Kerri Dunn, was found guilty of vandalizing her own car in the faking of a "hate crime" against herself. She was convicted of filing a false crime report and insurance fraud.

I disagree with the notion of punishing a criminal differently because of the race/religion/peversion, what have you of the victim. Our Constitution guarantees that U.S. citizens have equal protection under the law, and the idea that some citizens should have more protections than others is unconstitutional, illegal, and wrong-minded. Some will argue that such "hate crime" legislation is necessary because our legal system hasn't protected minority rights in the past. Well, I say the solution is to reform the practices of our criminal justice system, not pass or maintain unconstitutional statutes that set some Americans apart, effectively making some victimizations more meaningful than others based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or other criteria.

This particular whack-job allegedly claimed to be kinda-sorta considering a conversion to Judaism at one point, which may be why she added anti-Semitic slurs to her scam, which helped to get coverage in the Israeli press after the Anti-Defamation League got involved.

I can't wait for the tv-movie....She's a dark-haired white woman, so I'm sure that it'll be Valerie Bertinelli in the role.


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